Dayton Mills Response to COVID-19Read more


As of mid-March, Dayton Mills has monitored the current Corona virus (COVID-19) Pandemic, attending many Construction & Business Association Webinars, as well as, like all Canadians, monitoring our local, Provincial, and Federal Health & Government authorities for direction and support during this time.

On March 25, 2020, our office was officially closed, due to COVID-19, with limited access, only by Staff. As well, Dayton Mills COVID-19 Safety Measures and Regulations have been formulated, by our Staff and the strong support of the ICBA, the VRCA (CCA), (BC) Provincial Health and Work Safe BC.

For our present and future projects, additional hand sanitizing liquids, dispensers, N95 masks, and non-surgical gloves have been secured, as well as a portable stainless steel hand washing station, and Single Laser IR Thermometers.

Dayton Mills will continue to modify, to provide a safe environment for all of our Project participants and the Public. We feel very fortunate (and proud) to be Canadian.

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Working through the pandemic

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